Prisma Pori
Osuuskauppa Satakunta has invested in the amount of displays, great positioning as well as content quality presented on the screens.
More sales with digital signage
In addition to the Prisma supermarkets, the regional cooperation office of Satakunta uses FirstView displays also in their S-Market and Sale chains, ABC service station shops, Karla car repair stations, Kodin Terra hardware stores, Emotion beauty stores, S-Banks and Sokos department stores. FirstView digital screens are used in Kodin Terra, Prisma, S-Market, Sokos, Emotions and Sale stores, in ABC stations, Karla auto repair shops and S-Banks. Satakunnan OSK also utilizes the displays in cross-marketing and event marketing.
On the busiest days, more than 20,000 customers visit Prisma.
Osuuskauppa Satakunta has invested in the amount of displays, great positioning as well as content quality presented on the screens. Large fonts are used alogside limited amount of texts, attractive imagery as well as good colour and layouts.
– Why wouldn’t we utilize our over 17,000 square meter store space for marketing our products, thought Prisma CEO Janne Nurmi a couple of years ago.
– In-store marketing is very important for us. Customers come to Prisma mainly for buying groceries, and the challenge is to sell them also consumer goods.
As a solution for more effective in-store marketing, Prisma acquired FirstView info screens, which can be influence customers’ purchasing decisions in the store.
Digital signage for various purposes
There are about thirty 32-47-inch info screens placed around the Prisma in Pori: at the entries, hallways, corridor intersections, service counters, at the shelf ends around the store, and also in staff break rooms.
Janne Nurmi wants to emphasize that when purchasing an digital signage system, it’s important to fully plan the locations of the screen inside the store.
– We thought over the path that the customers take around the store, and when and what kind of information they’re ready to take in. In the food department, the displays are attached high up in “cubes” in order to avoid the unpleasant image of shopping channels.
More sales with displays at the ends of shelving units
– At the time of Christmas sales in 2012, we introduced end-of-shelf displays, which are placed next to the products advertised on them. Shelf-end-screens work wirelessly within the same FirstView managing system as other digital screens, and they can be easily relocated between shelves when needed.
– Thanks to the sound and video features, the attention value of the digital signage is excellent and the results were immediately visible in the sales of the products. The same content can be used in TV commercials and on the digital shelf-edge displays. The same ad should be run for a maximum of one week in order to maintain its attention value.
Digital screens are also be located also staff break rooms and there they serve as tools for internal information.
– Only a small part of our staff works at a computer, so the info screens have been a really great help for internal communication. Content for the screens in the staff break rooms is produced by the S Group’s human resources and communications departments, and the stores can add some of their content as well.
“Thanks to the music and animations, the attention value of the screen was excellent and the sales results were immediately visible.”
Janne Nurmi
Posters belong to history
– The displays located at store entries have by far the highest attention value for customers. Thanks to the digital signage, we have gotten rid of difficult poster stands and saved ourselves from printing posters. We can be sure of that, the right information is displayed at the right time, and at the same time we save both time and money, says Nurmi.
– Screens in the hall, on the other hand, serve as an information channel. In the lobby, people often stay longer, giving them time to digest the content of the screens better. We also inform the customers about local events with the lobby displays.
In addition to the Prisma supermarkets, the Osuuskauppa Satakunta uses FirstView displays also in their S-Market and Sale chains, ABC service station shops, Karla car repair stations, Kodin Terra hardware stores, Emotion beauty stores, S-Banks and Sokos department stores. Cross-marketing and cross-communication is also carried out between different business lines.
Easy to keep up-to-date
FirstView displays easy to update and schedule the content of the so that the message is displayed simultaneously either on all screens or on a screen-by-screen basis.
– We have one person who takes care of all the content updates in every Prisma stores in our area, and the marketing department maintains the chains’ general content. We maintain a consistent visual appearance by following S Groups’s graphic instructions and ready-made templates. In the stores, the displays are meant for quick glancing, so therefore the content needs to be kept ever-changing and constantly interesting.
– It’s good to have content with little writing and a large font, along with attractive images, hints Janne Nurmi.
– I believe that with the help of the FirstView system, we could achieve even more in the fields of marketing and communications. The displays could be linked to other digital communications systems, and we could purchase some larger outdoor displays, as soon as the prices come down a bit, Janne Nurmi envisions.