Background music sets the tempo for customer experience

Sounds give you an extra boost for sales and comfort. Create an vibrant atmosphere in a restaurant, office and store with background music
– freely without license costs.

You can use the same system for background music, audio adverts and announcements in your store. No need to
use multiple systems.

Why is background music import in your space?

An upbeat atmosphere sparks great customer experiences. Playing music improves satisfaction of both customers and employees in stores, offices and cafés. Background music has deep effects on people – meaning you’ll trigger just the right feelings in your customers.


The groovy benefits of background music

Taustamusiikki lisää viihtyvyyttä

Oikein valittu taustamusiikki vaikuttaa kuulijaan huomaamatta ja lisää viihtyvyyttä tilassa.

Luonasi vietetään enemmän aikaa​

Miellyttävässä tilassa viihdytään pidempään ja sopiva musiikki saa jopa jonotusajat tuntumaan lyhyemmiltä.

Luot hetkeen sopivan tunnelman

Voit vaihtaa musiikkia sulavasti sesongin, viikonpäivän ja vuorokaudenajan mukaan.

Taustamusiikki vahvistaa brändiäsi

Musiikilla on helppo vahvistaa yrityksesi brändimielikuvaa ja luoda liikkeeseesi sopiva tunnelma.

Vaikutat asiakkaan ostopäätökseen

Liiketilassa soiva, oikein valittu musiikki vetoaa asiakkaan tunteisiin ja vaikuttaa ostopäätökseen huomaamatta.

Sinulta halutaan ostaa enemmän​

Inspiroivassa äänimaailmassa saat asiakkaasi ostamaan jopa 10 % enemmän.

Taustamusiikki rauhoittaa tilan

Taustamusiikilla häivytät ei-toivotut äänet, korvaat hiljaisuuden ja luot rauhallisen tunnelman.

Taustamusiikki lisää työviihtyvyyttä

Oikein valittu taustamusiikki vaimentaa muita ääniä, lisää ihmisten työrauhaa ja parantaa työilmapiiriä.

What is FirstView Music?

FirstView music is part of our overall content management system, MediaCloud. It enables you to enhance the effect of your message just where it is required. You can control the playlists remotely from the comfort of your couch, no matter if you manage 5 or 500 locations. The background music and digital signage content is easily managed through our MediaCloud interface.

Our solution also enables automatic PA messages, audio advertising and other digital signage content.

Unique FirstView Music features
Ready-made, fresh playlists 

You have thousands of hours of unique music as well as piles of genres and atmospheres at your disposal. The playlists are continuously updated, so your customers get to enjoy the freshest music.

Devices and system from a single supplier 

We always provide the full package. This means devices, systems, planning and installation. Everything with rock-solid Finnish expertise.

Automatic PA messages and audio ads

You’re in luck, as our system allows include the PA messages and audio advertisements in your store in the same service with the background music. No need to juggle between systems!

Just press play

The MediaCloud system makes operations especially easy. Music is played with a SoundCube media player, which carries on even offline. You manage music and announcements remotely with ease.

Sounds like your brand

The visual appearance of your brand has been carefully thought out – so why wouldn’t your sound brand? From our vast music library you’ll find background music that sounds like you, no matter if you’re running a restaurant, barber shop, store, office or gym. Tailor your playlists according to the time of day to create unique audio atmospheres. Listen to our demos!

Restaurants & cafe's

ThePlus Audio
  • ThePlus Audio

Clothing stores

ThePlus Audio
  • ThePlus Audio

Retail stores

ThePlus Audio
  • ThePlus Audio


ThePlus Audio
  • ThePlus Audio


ThePlus Audio
  • ThePlus Audio

Lobbies and waiting rooms

ThePlus Audio
  • ThePlus Audio

Sound showers are modern tricks for targeted marketing

A sound shower is targeted audio, made possible by aiming a speaker to a certain area. So, in a nutshell it’s a modern way of delivering sounds or ads to a single customer when they’re in a certain location.

Targeted audio can also create various atmospheres within one space. Directed speakers enable you to make private conversations truly private and bring vibrant sounds to another situation.

Sound shower features

  • Audio surrounds a person in a small area
  • Very targeted messages even for individual customers
  • Targeted audio increases clarity of ads and messages
  • Sound showers provide privacy in e.g. banks or pharmacies
  • Allows you to place speakers close to one another without mixing the messages
Break free from music license fees

FirstView enables you to cut your music fees in half, as you’re free from license fees. The monthly service fee is based directly on your square footage.

The premium music content in our service are created by artists who get up to 60 % of the profits. You don’t need to pay additional license fees.

Calculate the price, notice the difference!

FirstView Music

29 € / month

Traditional solution

86 € / month

Savings in a year

684 €

Traditional solution = Teosto & Gramex -licenses & Spotify Soundtrack

FirstView Music

34 € / month

Traditional solution

91 € / month

Savings in a year

684 €

Traditional solution = Teosto & Gramex -licenses & Spotify Soundtrack

FirstView Music

42 € / month

Traditional solution

102 € / month

Savings in a year

720 €

Traditional solution = Teosto & Gramex -licenses & Spotify Soundtrack

FirstView Music

48 € / month

Traditional solution

111 € / month

Savings in a year

756 €

Traditional solution = Teosto & Gramex -licenses & Spotify Soundtrack

FirstView Music

58 € / month

Traditional solution

134 € / month

Savings in a year

912 €

Traditional solution = Teosto & Gramex -licenses & Spotify Soundtrack

FirstView Music

67 € / month

Traditional solution

142 € / month

Savings in a year

900 €

Traditional solution = Teosto & Gramex -licenses & Spotify Soundtrack

FirstView Music

73 € / month

Traditional solution

151 € / month

Savings in a year

936 €

Traditional solution = Teosto & Gramex -licenses & Spotify Soundtrack

FirstView Music

92 € / month

Traditional solution

191 € / month

Savings in a year

1188 €

Traditional solution = Teosto & Gramex -licenses & Spotify Soundtrack

FirstView Music

111 € / month

Traditional solution

224 € / month

Savings in a year

1356 €

Traditional solution = Teosto & Gramex -licenses & Spotify Soundtrack